The month of January each year sees so much of depression, despair, helplessness and noticeably little excitement amongst the 22- 26 year olds. One of the most difficult exams in the country, no other seems to freak people out so much. I guess it is because it is now about where you are headed, how your career is shaping up etc which makes it feel like this is going to be either all or nothing.
The CAT mania is such that students who have already entered the supposedly "not-so-good" management colleges keep giving it even after spending 2.5 lakh on their first year. Anything and everything seems justified if it gets you into one of the big 6.
I'm so glad I'm over and done with it. I know friends who are two years on either side of me who are attempting the CAT, many for the third time. There are very few who can manage to waltz into the examination room and still walk out with a 99.9 percentile. My brother is one such freak:D After my dad did everything but write the paper for him, having to literally kick him out of the house to make him write the paper does no justice to that kind of a score!! Love you, you crazy nut:)
To G: Hang in there. It has got to happen some day. We both have our own plans for the future, we'll make those reeeeally happen. And we're all here for you:)