Saturday, May 31, 2008


Does this make me look like an F1 fan? Well, I'm not. Not even a teeny, tiny bit. I can't fathom how people actually sit and watch, for hours on end, cars that go round, and round and roooound. And do little else.

(Suddenly wary..) Are there those waiting to throw eggs, right about now?

So then why this photograph?

Vodafone's having the McLaren Mercedes tour the country, and it has been at Ahmedabad for the past couple of days. As a part of the team that works towards it, I get to hang around it a lil more than the common man. I've been damn kicked about it, and simply because I wanted to get the two men in the family to go green in the face.

It does not seem to have worked, disobliging as they are. Maybe because they're Ferrari fans. Or maybe, it is no fun unless the machine is careening wildly across some track with crazy fans going Rah-Rah all the while. I managed to get a mildly interested "So what happened to your thing with the McLaren?" Bah, might as well have asked me if I'd brushed my teeth that day! Not that I need to be asked that, of course.

This is one of the final attempts to get them jealous. I want to gloat, damn it, and one can't gloat if nobody is jealous! My last shot is to send them the photograph that's got me sitting on the wheel. On, not behind. Hmm, I think one of me behind the wheel would really get their goat. Maybe I could sneak into the mall after all are gone..

Sigh. The things one has to do. Men, I tell you, are exasperating!