Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Bridget Jones's Diary, author Helen Fielding. Extremely funny book. Makes passers-by wonder whether apparently alone-in-her-room woman of substance is queer in head, as giggles away to glory.

  • "Why can't married people understand that this is no longer a polite question to ask? (i.e. 'How's your love-life going') "We wouldn't rush up t them and roar, 'How's your marriage going? Still having sex?' "
  • "Skirt is demonstrably neither sick nor abscent. Appalled by management's blatently sizist attitude to skirt. Obsessive interest in skirt suggests management sick rather than skirt."
  • “It is proved by surveys that happiness does not come from love, wealth and power but the pursuit of attainable goals: and what is a diet if not that?”
  • "Humph. Have woken up v. fed up. On top of everything, only two weeks to go until birthday, when will have to face up to the fact that another entire year has gone by, during which everyone else except me has mutated into Smug Married, having children plop, plop, plop, left right and centre and making hundreds of thousands of pounds and inroads into very hub of establishment, while I career rudderless and, boyfriendless through dysfunctional relationships and professional stagnation."
  • "Exes should never, never go out with or marry other people but should remain celibate to the end of their days in order to provide you with a mental fallback position."
  • “We had a long discussion about the comparative merits of Mr. Darcy and Mark Darcy, both agreeing that Mr. Darcy was more attractive because he was ruder but that being imaginary was a disadvantage that could not be overlooked.”

Some Favourites: Emotional F***wittage, Smug Married, "Oh, my godfathers, darling!!!"


Blogger daviejones said...

Yes yes... very very esoteric though! only the exclusive club of BJoners wud understand. for the rest,it wud be the ramblings of a single, "i lost out in crush"(!!!), hopeless moony soul.

Anyway forget the F***wittage. heres a toast to "single and UNavailable" (unavailable till the right-guy-who-reciprocates turns up- will help if he belongeth to the TDH category!!)sorority


February 07, 2006 2:37 AM  
Blogger DeepBlueSea said...

Is this an open confession that you are on your way to becoming a 30-something, swinging singleton with a few flings along the way? (At least one fling, please!) :p


February 07, 2006 5:07 PM  
Blogger A said...


I agree, only Bridget Jones' readers will really get this post.


Hm, a trip to diu and u might yet see me drunk and waltzing tipsily along the seashore:D Maybe while theres a light Breezer wafting;)

Although assuredly have inner poise and authority and sense of self as woman of substance, completely in manner of top notch future Hutchie, doubt the similarity goes any further:D at least, have not yet had reason to memorize calorie chart:D

But yes, sometimes wonder-- Am I or am I not a child of Cosmopolitan culture?

February 07, 2006 6:26 PM  

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