Friday, December 09, 2005


What I liked years ago, I still can't do without. There are some arbit things that give a small lil thrill in the middle of regular life.. ones which give you the "Ummm... all's right with the world and my cup runneth over" feeling-- even if it is for the wee-est of moments.

  1. Licking the paper lid/ plate after the ice cream.
  2. Eating ice cream when walking in the rain.
  3. Walking in the rain.
  4. Sitting in a cosy Volvo during a night journey and watching the rivulets of rain water run down the window pane.
  5. How chocolate and F.R.I.E.N.D.S can get you to snap out of the worst moods.
  6. When the cafe guy puts loads of cheese on.... well, anything.
  7. Waking up at 8.40 to discover lectures are cancelled:)
  8. Discovering a cadburys bar at the bottom of your drawer which you never knew you had.
  9. When old friends pop up online and it doesn't really feel like you'd ever lost touch..
  10. Visiting old college hangouts.
  11. Catching up with an old flame:D
  12. Mushroom soup on a cold winter evening.
  13. A good sale. And the money to go shopping, of course-- else it's heartache.
  14. Lying flat on your back and looking at the stars. Quietly.
  15. Getting a surprise birthday party:)
  16. Sitting on a clean beach and staring out at the sea.. even if you have nothing really to get pensive about.
  17. Reunions. Friends though, not family:D
  18. Overhearing somebody say something really nice about you.
  19. Parents who think with the world of today, not yesterday.
  20. Knowing you've got great friends:)

Before I get sentimental and my nose runneth all over the place, I'm going to stop.


I'm in an extremely weird sort of grumpy mood. I know I have work to do, but I have not the least inclination to do it. Why, you ask? Because I have decided that I have a passion for nothing i.e. I have no passion in life.

My life lacks quality. The most interesting thing I've done all day is figure out how alike an amoeba I am. Lets go bit by bit.

1. cell membrane - the thin layer of protein and fat that surrounds the amoeba; it allows some substances to pass into the cell, and blocks other substances.

  • this is like skinny me on an extemely dispassionate day- even during what ought to be the most sentimental of moments, I realise I'm thinking "Hm.. wonder what's for lunch.."

2. contractile vacuole - a cavity within the amoeba that excretes excess water and waste; the waste is brought to the cell membrane and is then eliminated from the amoeba.

  • without getting into what could be the equivalent of the contractile vacuole, I realise that as of now, I live to eat.. and excrete.

3. cytoplasm - a jelly-like material that fills most of the cell; the organelles (like the nucleus) are surrounded by cytoplasm.

  • If you poke me, I'll ooze cheese.

4. food vacuole - a cavity within the amoeba in which food is digested

  • I've always felt I'm a bottomless pit...

5. nucleus - the major organelle of the amoeba, located centrally; it controls reproduction (it contains the chromosomes) and many other important functions (including eating and growth).

  • Don't amoeba reproduce asexually? Hm.

That would be what I'd look like if viewed from the top.. and that would typically be an okay hair day.

I'm getting to the point where I feel like a single celled organism which crawls out of bed each morning and that thinks of only one thing.. where will my daily bread come from?

Conclusion: It's placement time. And I'm undergoing reverse evolution.