Wednesday, February 08, 2006


She hovered along the sidelines, in the manner of a typical raw lemon. She didn't really want to play, but had decided that to continue digging her heels in would get embarassing. She had checked out, during the course of other games, that rawer (or so she thought) lemons only hovered on the outskirts, and hence continued to do so in the true spirit of raw lemonry.

A game played by fourteen people frisking around a single tennis ball and seven rocks, Pitthoo aka Lagori was entirely based on firstly deconstructing and then reconstructing a pile of the aforesaid 7 rocks.

She knew she'd fling the ball once at the damn pile ("Why did it have to be placed at such a distance anyway?!") but could generally retire to being a non-entity on the field whilst occasionally indulging in a bit of dodgery. Thus content, she took up her position in the field with a decent degree of composure. The guys seemed to fling the ball about for a few minutes, while she looked on, wondering whether she was in the way. The ball suddenly flew past her, and she realised she had to chase the thing that bounced happily away. It would assuredly have a winked a wicked wink if this had been a comic strip.

Around the corner she followed it, and managing to grab it, whirled around. Awright, moment of truth. She had to chuck it-- "underarm"-- around the building. This, she supposed, called for some true-blue bending like Beckham. If she estimated correctly, everything was supposed to move in slow motion from right about this point. She flung it as hard as she could and watched it as it flew (hmm.. quite high) right at the building and ricocheted off into what could only be termed as the outside of the field. Definitely not moment of glory.

Bah! If this had been a movie, the ball would have made it not only past the blind corner, but would also have landed bang on target. She would then have been hoisted on shoulders whilst wearing a horrendously shiny uniform, probably yellow.

They did manage to win ultimately, and she trudged to the stands with a smile on her face. Heheheh, she'd done one great bit of dodging. She'd also turned back to the attacker to quirk an eyebrow to convey her "AHA!!".

She would play again tomorrow. Even she hadn't got it all rawng:)

Note: Third person fits will probably happen from time to time. Would love to occasionally throw in the odd "Thy" terminology too:D


Blogger Ritesh said...

Well atleast Lagori did not have dens. U shud try Daba ais pais with 20 kids older than u. and changing shirts as well so u d get them rawng each time. :D

P.S. - Awesome Blog.(Y)

February 10, 2006 6:17 PM  
Blogger A said...

quite glad i didn't play it:D an attempt at basketball was pretty much ruined by bullies. and there was definitely no changing involved!!:D

P.S: Thanks:)

February 10, 2006 6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pithooooo! heh heh... i remember how like deer caught in headlights the two of us looked on the lawns that night! it wasn't even as much fun... we should have been 'stoned'... maybe then it would be a total party!

March 01, 2006 6:33 PM  
Blogger A said...

ahaaaaaa! yip yip yipp!! you're the one person who'd understand the feeling:D

but also, you were only one with good aim:) for most of us, we were so far off the mark, we may well have been stoned:D

March 01, 2006 7:50 PM  

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