Wednesday, February 22, 2006


The worst possible time to catch a cold is when there's work to be done. Can hardly read because my eyes won't stop filling up. Can't concentrate because I'm trying to find a tissue in time to catch the sneeze. To top it off, the book to be reviewed is extreeemely boring.

Have ultimately decided to stuff wads of tissue up my nostrils- theory seems fine on paper, now waiting for a sneeze to prove/disprove it. Also prepared to jump up and hunt for more tissue in case current ones go flying out.

Have also realised, over the years, that the horizontal position [;)] is good when it comes to colds. One sneezes much lesser when flat on back. Stuffing face with food is also a good idea. But then, stuffing face with food is always a good idea:)

Now down by 3 wads of tissues, 1 handkerchief, n sneezes and 1 blogpost, the book reading still stands at Chapter 1.


Blogger ~G said...

I am glad you've found out what to do when you get a leaky nose ...
'Get into a horizontal position'
;) hahaha !!

Remember, at times you used to sneeze continuously in the lib disturbing everyone around you?Good you had not found out this super-duper solution then, I'm sure Mr. Malhotra would have to shut down the lib..

PS: you may try inserting two thin pipes in your nostrils which must lead to a bucket. This should relieve you of your leaky nose...
Only pain is that you'll have to empty the bucket every hour.

February 23, 2006 11:06 AM  
Blogger A said...

Knowing the consistency of the fluid, unless the two pipes also have a funnel, i'm pretty sure the next problem to deal with will be the leakage of the leaky nose :D

February 23, 2006 3:20 PM  

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