Sunday, December 28, 2008


It has been three weeks of non-stop consumption of either fruit or salad or both. Try as I might, I cannot like 'em.

While the world howled with laughter at the thought of me eating healthy food, they also admitted that no less a personage than a doctor could have pulled it off. From parents to friends, there has been such wicked glee on faces that they may as well have danced a thrilled li'l jig. The truant was finally being brought to heel.

Day One began with an apple. I glared furiously at it while cleaning it under the tap; but while that glare has made many quail, it does not, sadly, work on inanimate objects. I painfully worked my way around the core and was beaming, thinking I'd done a very good job on my first day as an Obedient, when a co-worker commented, "Good god, child, there's a complete inch around that core, don't waste it!" Gah.

Day Two required me to attack raw food. I stood looking mournfully at a cabbage, a carrot and a tomato, knife in hand. Deciding suddenly on the least of the evils, I pushed aside the rest and made a silent appeal to the tomato to go easy on my delicately nurtured taste buds. After 45 seconds of brisk slicing and 15 minutes of staring at sliced rawness, I stuffed a small bit into my mouth. 5 seconds later, I was spreading lavish scoops of mayonnaise over it all.

Since then, it has been a rollercoaster ride with the veggies. They don't like me, and I don't like them. They make sure they're inedible as possible, while I retaliate by chopping them ruthlessly to bits and then compromising their taste. However, we've finally managed to find some common ground: Cheese. We've decided we like any kind- plain milk cheese, garlic flavoured, peppery spread, you name it. The salad thinks it is compatible with it, and I know I'm in love.. and sure enough, we make a very content triangle.

One week or forever, may we ride into the sunset together, may we live happily ever after!


Blogger ~G said...

hehe! Reminds me of your amateur attempt at double cheese omelet when in Pune

December 30, 2008 6:21 PM  
Blogger A said...

G:It was filling, tasty, and had oodles of cheese dripping from it.. what could have been better?!

(That's a rhetoric, and even if had not been one, the answer to it could have nothing to do with your omelette!)

December 30, 2008 6:28 PM  
Blogger Dinesh said...

There's no point to a diet if it drives you nuts in a couple of days. Sooner or later you'll get fedup and start binging. This will be followed by guilt and then you'll get mad at yourself for not sticking to your plan.

So take it easy, dont force yourself to stick to a diet that calls for too many sacrifices.

ps: if this has nothing to do with a diet then ignore it. Happy new year!

January 02, 2009 9:43 AM  
Blogger A said...

dinesh: Oh no, this is no diet. There still exist ample portions of cheese and chocolate, consumed ever so often! But those that are toxic need to be cleansed, apparently :D

And a very happy new year to you too!

January 05, 2009 9:42 PM  

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