A hostel exposes you to all sorts of things, right from the freedom of having your own tiny space to the ordeal of protecting it from the millions of creatures that choose, of all rooms, only yours.
I've got a little more than a week left in my cosy corner, and I've often congratulated myself for having managed to keep it lizard-free, even if not frog free [No, I do not live in the deep depths of a rain forest:)] I've killed moths, acid bugs and small roaches, but a lizard I can't kill. It is just too big. They also give me the feeling of forever wanting to jump me, which is not so very nice because I'm quite jumpy and they're quite icky.
There's a tiny chink in my door, and as I came back from a very happy evening, I saw a Head poking out. There were sirens in my head which went "Eeeeeeeeee!!!!" I did not want to open the door for fear of it either a) Falling on my head, or b) Scuttling away inside my room, never to be found again. I called desperately for help, and to my rescue came my brave anti-lizard squad.
Armed with two brooms, and after building a protective wall (consisting of a laptop bag, a laundry basket, a sweater, and a slipper) safeguarding the more decorated part of the room, we decided to go to war. One was positioned outside in order to watch and inform on the retreat of the enemy, and two were poised for action inside: one scared, one brave.
Dragging the cupboard in true manner of a scared rookie, I let out a shriek even though I didn't see it.. erm, got a lil caught in the moment.. Then I saw a beady eye gleam from around the corner. It smelt fear, glinted and hopped out onto the wall very friskily. I looked desperately towards Jo, who brandished the broom fearlessly and decided to swat it like a fly. It hopped a little more, and as I let out another squeal, turned and looked down at me jubilantly. Brave Jo then whacked the area around it, and it realised it had met its match. It grew wary, decided that it did not want to lose face, scuttled to the laptop bag, turned its still-attached tail and ran out of the door. We heard the victory squeal from Dee as she whacked the vent and shooed it to a galaxy far, far away.
My room was a mess but we were happy. My chamber is now lizard-free, thanks to those who are braver than I:) The chink in the door lies plastered with paper, and as I lie battle-weary, I know I shall shudder when I dream of the Glint of the Gleeful lizard.